1. The SwEeTes 'aIedaIL' In hIs 'eYes'
I'm FaLLIng In Love wItH a thOusAnd gLowIng StaRs In thE skY...
twIngkLe In eveRy bLaCkest nIght...
I'm FaLLIng In Love wItH a thOusAnd gLowIng StaRs In thE skY...
and I don't KnoW wHAt to dO...
And He sIt TheRe bEhInd my ChaIr...
drOwIng The pInk on hIs heArt...
The wArm oF bReeZe bLowIng Up mY hAIr...
as He SmILe on me..
wALkIng aLone... I'm LooKIng For sILence...
And He toUcH mY heAnd,, bReaKIng aLL tHe CoFFusIng ThIng...
anD aLL beComE eaSIer...
cAuSE he SmILE on me...
goD... dOes hE LovE mE to...?
cAuSE I FeeL soMethIng dIFFerEnt,,
In eVerY a sIngLe minUTes he wAtCh mE...
2. a CrAzY 10, 11. 12th Day...
The 3 sWeetzz CraZy daY...we ShOuLd Pass The eXam...
anD I'm sO tIred To sTudy In The ScHooL...
IntInyAmaH nya Ieu Teh PRA UAN...
Bete BAnged....
3. a CrAzY weeK (24-29th)
nOw I haVe eXam...
And tOmOrrow Is my Last Exam...
bUt There sTILL nOthIng....
seLAng sEminggU aQ HarUz uTz Coba...
nYebeLIn Banged sEh....
4. CreAtIve TeaCher...
mY maTh TeaCher mAke tHe (bAhasA InGgRIs nYa SpAndUk ApeU?)
PokonYa Ya.... GurUku yang saTu InI cReatIve BanGed...
dYa bQn SpanDuk...GambArnyA nAruto...
CerItanYa SpaNdUk ItU tEh BuAt nYemangatIn UAN....
He Is a GooD mOtIvAtoR....
5. pRobLem In My cLAss....
The sTorY begIn wHen My FrIends bROke Up wIth hIs bOy FrIend...And hIs bOy FrIenD FaLLIng In LovE wItH mY anOtHer FrIend......
Its So ComPLIcAteD...
cAuSE TheY aLL mY bEst FrIend....
6. ThE PoEm For Her
She CrIes In eVerY nIgHt...
She dRoWnIng In Her PaIn...
ThEre Is nOthIng She CoULd dO....
cAuSe sHe LIvIng The LIfe
ShE mAke hIm FaLLIng IntO JeALousY...
cAuSe nevEr Love hIm...
tHe onLy onE sHe Love..Is The pRIncE wHo KnoK aNOtHEr Heart...
And sHe FaLL cAuSe ThE wIngS Is BrOken...
ToRmEnTIng oF eVerY smILe...
sHe pRetenD everYthIng Is aLrIghT...
TheRe Is nO LIghT In Her LIfe...
cAuSE sHe bLInD FrOm ThE tRuTh....
7. aBoUt Me
I'm sTandIng On The RooFtOp wAtChIng The Sun rISes
cAuSE I stILL FeeL sOmeThIng ThAt ShOuLdn't
Is It a gIve or a CursE...?
I nEvEr KnOw...