Apalah persahabatanku denganmu?
kau bagai makanan jiwaku yang penuh kehampaan.
Bagai pohon rindang di tengah teriknya hari,
kau teduhkan panasku dengan kokoh berdiri di dekatku...
membantuku terjauh dari teriknya matahari...
Bagai nikmatnya secangkir coklat panas,
kau hangatkan hari-hari ku yang dingin,
dan kau tinggalkan pula manis di hariku...
Ketika aku tersesat dalam malamku,
kaulah yang menjadi bintang di malamku,
kau selalu di sana dan menuntunku pulang...
kau bagai obat untuk sayap-sayap patahku,
yang terluka oleh tajamnya panah cinta itu..
kau berikan perih itu di atas lukaku,
dan kau sembuhkan aku dengan perih yang kau beri itu..
dalam rangkulanmu,
tiada kata kau ucapkan..
tangisku kau rasakan
kau beri aku kekuatan,
dan kau meninggalkan nyaman bagiku..
tanpa kemunafikan atas pemikiran,
tanpa topeng atas seniman duniawi,
tanpa pamrih atas segala pengorbanan...
tulus kau berikan semua itu padaku...
kau tidak cukup sebagai pembunuh jam kehidupanku,
tapi kau ada untuk menghidupkan jam kehidupanku...
kau bukan alatku mengisi keisengan saat hidupku,
tapi kau orng yang mengisi kelemahanku di dunia...
biarlah canda tawa ini selalu pada kita,
biarpun selalu ada duka antara kita...
apalah persahabatanku denganmu?
kau tidak kurang dari segalanya bagiku....
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
FrOm mY wEaknEss HeaRt,,
I cOnFess For aLL thE thIngs I've Done...
For aLL The Sweetess sIn...FaLLIng DoWn FrOm The pUrpLe sKy...
For aLL tHe daMn ThIngs wIch Make mE FaLLen ThrOugh In eVery sIngLe tIme...
CrawLIng to The desert...
cUt InTo ManY LIttLe pIeCes...
"ShE cRIes BehInd The mIrOr"
And sHe ScReamIng...
ShE sCrEamIng...
sHe cRIes so LaUd
bUt nO bOdy Hear...
nO bOdy CarEs oF hEr TormEnts
cAusE shE JusT tHe ReFLecTIon
"sHe LivE bEhInd The mIrOr"
FrOzEn InsIde ThIs TeArs...
cAnnOt sCrEam anYmOre...
Lost InsIde The ReaLm oF daRknEss...
"But I'm nOt daRk anGLe"
sTrAyIng In mY wAy hOme...
nO LoLLypop For mE anYmOre...
tOrMent bY The dAwn...
I'm hIdIng bEhInd The mIror...
ForGet tO bReaTh...tO LIve...
ForGet How sWeet The CanDy...
I Cant HeaR the BeLLs rIngIng In mY sChooL...
bUt I'm sAve!!!!
sAvE FrOm eVerY LIes...
sLeepIng For aLong tIme..
bUt I Can FeeL you There...
"dO you mIss mE?"
How Can you mIss Me IF u Let me dIe?
"am I reaLy dIe?"
Cannot LIve cannot dIE...
I'm FaLLIng ThRough The DarknEss
TrapPed InsIde yOur HeArt....
and I cAnnOt BrEAthe...
dRownIng bEhInd your BrOwn eYes
There Is nO gLowIng sTars anymOrE
you TaKe mY hEart... drInkIng aLL mY bLood
For mY wEaknEss HeaRt...
I wILL be aLIve...
cAuSe TherE Is sWeeT rEvEnge For you mY LOve...
"sHe wILL bE bReaKIng The mIrrOr"
rUnnIng To The rEaL wOrLd
I'LL kIss yOu to Take Your sOuL....
I wILL bE bReakIng The mIrOr
I cOnFess For aLL thE thIngs I've Done...
For aLL The Sweetess sIn...FaLLIng DoWn FrOm The pUrpLe sKy...
For aLL tHe daMn ThIngs wIch Make mE FaLLen ThrOugh In eVery sIngLe tIme...
CrawLIng to The desert...
cUt InTo ManY LIttLe pIeCes...
"ShE cRIes BehInd The mIrOr"
And sHe ScReamIng...
ShE sCrEamIng...
sHe cRIes so LaUd
bUt nO bOdy Hear...
nO bOdy CarEs oF hEr TormEnts
cAusE shE JusT tHe ReFLecTIon
"sHe LivE bEhInd The mIrOr"
FrOm My RoOm
-sWeet aFternOon-
-sWeet aFternOon-
gIve mE ThAt beAutIFuLL smILe...
cAuSE I FeeL wArm..
ThaT smILe aLwAys mAkes mE FeeL bEtter ThAn BeForE...
LikE tHe BrEeZe oF sPrIng...
bRIng aLL The HonEsty In eVery mOrnIng...
dRoWIng YouR cOnFessIon HeArt...
I knOw ThAt You Are BrOken...
beHInd YouR bEAutIFuLL smILE,, TheRe Is The dEePest wOunds...
hIdIng cArEsLy...
bUt yOur eYes say nO....
cAuSE I FeeL wArm..
ThaT smILe aLwAys mAkes mE FeeL bEtter ThAn BeForE...
LikE tHe BrEeZe oF sPrIng...
bRIng aLL The HonEsty In eVery mOrnIng...
dRoWIng YouR cOnFessIon HeArt...
I knOw ThAt You Are BrOken...
beHInd YouR bEAutIFuLL smILE,, TheRe Is The dEePest wOunds...
hIdIng cArEsLy...
bUt yOur eYes say nO....
FrOm My RoOm
-sWeet aFternOon-
-sWeet aFternOon-
I'm hEaLIng ThIs wOunds wIth smILe
I'm mAkIng wOund OnCe aGaIn wItH tHAt smILe
I pOuR tHe sALt Into That OpEn WoUnd
dO I cRy tO HoLd wHaT It FeeLs?
FoRget...I ForGottEn
sIncE ThRee yEaRs aFtEr The CoFFIn had cLOse
aFtEr sHe LeFt The Red RoSe on The CoFFIn
And nO mOre tEars BehInd TheIr HaZeL eYes anYmOre
AnD I wILL rUn IntO The sPrIng
FIndIng The AnsWer oF eVerY QuesTIon I hAve
That's wILL be The EndIng oF aLL mY sWeeT JoUrnEy
we wILL mEeT aGaIn
LIve HappILy eVeraFter In ThIs sILenCe bLIss
thEre Is nO wOunds AnymoRe
wE dOn't nEEd tO hIde whEn BeAutIFuLL dAwn cOmes
wE wILL FaCe ThIs wOrLd
FeEL The sUmmEr bReZze...
FeEL The Sun
wItH tHe ImmOrtaLIty
I'm mAkIng wOund OnCe aGaIn wItH tHAt smILe
I pOuR tHe sALt Into That OpEn WoUnd
dO I cRy tO HoLd wHaT It FeeLs?
FoRget...I ForGottEn
sIncE ThRee yEaRs aFtEr The CoFFIn had cLOse
aFtEr sHe LeFt The Red RoSe on The CoFFIn
And nO mOre tEars BehInd TheIr HaZeL eYes anYmOre
AnD I wILL rUn IntO The sPrIng
FIndIng The AnsWer oF eVerY QuesTIon I hAve
That's wILL be The EndIng oF aLL mY sWeeT JoUrnEy
we wILL mEeT aGaIn
LIve HappILy eVeraFter In ThIs sILenCe bLIss
thEre Is nO wOunds AnymoRe
wE dOn't nEEd tO hIde whEn BeAutIFuLL dAwn cOmes
wE wILL FaCe ThIs wOrLd
FeEL The sUmmEr bReZze...
FeEL The Sun
wItH tHe ImmOrtaLIty
FrOzEn InsIde ThIs TeArs...
cAnnOt sCrEam anYmOre...
Lost InsIde The ReaLm oF daRknEss...
"But I'm nOt daRk anGLe"
sTrAyIng In mY wAy hOme...
nO LoLLypop For mE anYmOre...
tOrMent bY The dAwn...
I'm hIdIng bEhInd The mIror...
ForGet tO bReaTh...tO LIve...
ForGet How sWeet The CanDy...
I Cant HeaR the BeLLs rIngIng In mY sChooL...
bUt I'm sAve!!!!
sAvE FrOm eVerY LIes...
sLeepIng For aLong tIme..
bUt I Can FeeL you There...
"dO you mIss mE?"
How Can you mIss Me IF u Let me dIe?
"am I reaLy dIe?"
Cannot LIve cannot dIE...
I'm FaLLIng ThRough The DarknEss
TrapPed InsIde yOur HeArt....
and I cAnnOt BrEAthe...
dRownIng bEhInd your BrOwn eYes
There Is nO gLowIng sTars anymOrE
you TaKe mY hEart... drInkIng aLL mY bLood
For mY wEaknEss HeaRt...
I wILL be aLIve...
cAuSe TherE Is sWeeT rEvEnge For you mY LOve...
"sHe wILL bE bReaKIng The mIrrOr"
rUnnIng To The rEaL wOrLd
I'LL kIss yOu to Take Your sOuL....
I wILL bE bReakIng The mIrOr
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