Love Is LIke bUtterFLy
The More It Chased, the more It runs
But If u Let It go, It will come when you don't expect...
Love cAn Make You HapPy
bUt It oFten maKe You saD,
But a new Love Is wOrth If It were gIven
to soMeOne wHo apprecIate It
So, dOn't be rush. and ChoosE The BesT
Dont Ever Say "I Love You"
If yoU dOn't cAre
Don't ever taLk abOut FeeLIng
If There Is nOne
Don't ever tOuch sOmeOne LIfe
If It wILL breAk hIs/her heart
Don't ever look at his/her eyes
If aLL yOu have dOne are LIes...
The cruELesT thIng thAt sOmeOne dOes tO sOmeOne eLse
Is To Let he/sHe FaLL In Love
mEanwHILe You DonT meAn to cAtch It
LovE Is nOt "Its YouR FaULt" ,bUt "ForgIve mE"
LovE Is nOt "WhEre are You?" ,bUt "I'm Here"
LoVe Is nOt "How cAn yOu dO tHAt?" ,bUt "Im UnderStanD"
LovE Is nOt "You ShOuLd bE LIke ThIs" ,bUt "I LovE YoU The WaY YoU ArE
The rIght CompabILIty Is Not MeasUred
by How Long You Have Been TogEther
or How oFten yOu aRe BeIng TogEther
But WhEn yOu aRe TogEther
You aLwaYs FILL and Share
To Make LIFe More wOrthFuL
The SadNess And LongIng
aRe OnLy FeLt as Long as You want To
And as Deep ass yOu aLLow
The Hard thIng Is nOt HOw To Face
The SadnEss And The LongIng
bUt How tO Learn FrOm Them
The WaY oF FaLLIng In LovE:
FaLL bUt dOn't Be StaggEred
SharE and Don't bE uNFaIr
UnderStand and trY noT To sTrIve moRe
sAd bUt dOn't ever Keep The SadnEss
Yes, It's Hurt to see
The one that wE Love Is Happy wIth SomeOne eLSe
But It's Hurt More
IF the One That You Love Is nOt HappY wIth You
The Most PathetIc In LIfe Is FIndIng SomEOne
anD FaLL In Love,
anD onLy FInd hIm/her but she/he Is not For You
and you haVe sPend So Much tIme To The One
That Can Not aPPrEcIate It
IF hE/sHe Not wOrth It nOw
Then he/she Is Never WorTh It For AnoTher yEar
oR eVen aNother 10 YeArs mOre Let hIm/her Go...
God KnoWs WhIch Is The BesT,
And wILL gIve The gRIeVe tO tEst
SometImes God hURts Our HeaRt
So wE cAn See God wIsdOm In That
If We Lose Love, so There Is a ReasOn behInd That
sOmetIme The ReasOn Is Hard To be UndersTood
BuT wE sHouLd KeeP To BeLIeve
Then When gOd Takes SomeThIng,
He Is reAdy For The BettEr One
Ehy waIt???
It's beCauSe aLthOugh wE wAnt To maKe dEcIsIon,
We wAnt It In Hurry,
We Don't wanT It RecklessLy
becAUse aLthOugh We Want tO FInd sOmeOne we Love Soon
We Don't wAnt tO Lose OurseLves In Process FIndIng It
FInaLly, Its Better wAItIng sOmeOne tHat wE wAnt
Than ChOose AnyOne There
It's Better waItIng sOmeOnE ThaT wE Love
Than SatIsFY oUrsELves tO AnYone There
It's Better waItIng For The rIght PersOn,
BeCauSe thIs LIfe Is too sHort
to be Passed wIth the WrOng ChOIce BeCaUse wAItIng has a HonorabLe and MisterIOus aIm
The MosT wonderFuL thIngs in LIfe Need More tIme
And Our waItIng wILL nOt WorthLess
aLthoUgh WaItIng Needs More ThIng,
FaIth, CouRage, and hOpe
WaItIng PrOmIsIS One ThIng
WhIch Can Not Be ImAgIned By anyOne
At The End,,God In aLL The wIsdOm
asks uS To wAIt BeCausE of ImPOrtant PersOn
DoIng WhaT You LIke Is FreeDom
LIkIng What You dO Is HappYness
PenuLIs nya aQ ga Tau
aQ ngUtIp darI seLebaran
HoPe Its UseFuL