Monday, June 23, 2008


I don't want to sleep anymore...
If I will loosing you...
I don't want to dream anymore...
If I can't see you again...

Monday, June 16, 2008


Aku Lu"z UN!!!
First I'm so gratefull to Allah SWT...
Thanks For all the beautifull things that you give to me....
For your blessed in everything I do...

bwT smWa kLuarGa Qw...
"wIth0uT y0ur m0tIvatE I d0 n0thIng"

bwT Pa Ash gUru matEmatIka yG suPer bAIk sAbaR...
"Jez ga tAw hRuz aPa kLo bkAn bApA yG Jd gUrU matEmatIka d b5"

bwT anAk"b5...
y0uR aLL tHe bEsT!

bwT dR Jez snDrI...
"I LovE y0u"

bwt sEvEnsAwELas
"y0u aRe my s0uLmatE"

JeZz Lu"Z UN!!!
I'm gRadUatEd